Welcome to my site! My name is Devon and if you’d like to contact me please use my Contact US Page. If you’re here to explore, please take a look around, content will be added soon!
To The Point…
I’ve just begun to dip my toes into the waters of software development and this site is where I will explore as well as display what I’ve worked on. I am currently attending Spokane’s Community College in an associate’s program for software development. I have dabbled in web development in languages such as HTML and CSS as well as a little bit of JS. Kotlin has been the most enjoyable language I’ve had the pleasure to use so far, however, unless you’ve accessed this site from my Android Application, I doubt you’ve had the opportunity to use my Kotlin code.
Here is a list of the languages I’ve used so far:
- JS(JavaScript)
- Swift
- Kotlin
…as well as some technologies and libraries I’ve used:
- Bootstrap
- React
- Android Studio